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Straub Middle School Staff

Lori Armstrong

Spec Prog Ia Special Needs

Shiloh Barnes

Teacher Special Ed

Melissa Baylon

Food Services - Straub

Joshua Beckett

Social Worker

Donald Berg


Rosa Bolanos-Orozco

Office Manager 3

Bryan Bowles


Michelle Chuning

School Office Specialist

Kolby Cooper

Differential 913 Diff 2

April Cuellar

Substitute Clerical

Anthony Duran

Spec Prog Ia Special Needs

Breann Erickson

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Ali Gehring


Madison Gehrke

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Jonah Geist

Instructional Asst General

Brooke Halgren

School Based Health Asst

Becki Hall

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Jaimie Hall


Naomi Henson

Spec Prog Ia Special Needs

Sarah Jackson

School Office Spec 2 - Ms

Colleen Johnson

Asst Principal Middle School

Shiloh Jones

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Cathy Judson

School Office Specialist

Laura Kemper

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Stacey Kline

Library Media Assistant

Daniel Lampe


Dalton Lindsey

Instructional Support Asst

Stevie Mahi


Denny McCarthy

Principal Middle School

Juan Montejano

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Nicholas Morgan

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Kieun Myhre

Teacher Special Ed

Kyle Netcher

Teacher Special Ed

Carli Obrien


Juan Pozos

Spec Prog Ia Special Needs

Corrine Rogers

Food Services - Straub

Toni Rommel


Irina Sarapina

Spec Prog Instructional Asst

Tiffanni Sasser

Instructional Asst General

Nicole Schrag

Food Services - Straub

Jason Searle


Brittany Ward


Kellie Ward

Behavior Specialist

Chris Weaver

Teacher Special Ed

Joshua Wolff


Bradley Zandofsky

Differential 909 Diff 2
Straub Wolf

Straub Admin

Denny McCarthy

Straub Middle

Colleen Johnson

Straub Middle